Now more than ever
Director, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills
It is difficult for us here in Paris to think about much else beside the innocents who lost their lives last week during the senseless, brutal attack that shook our city. Our thoughts are with their families and loved ones; our spirit remains firmly fixed on the values we cherish: libert�, �galit�, fraternit�.
In the aftermath of these horrific events, fraternit� becomes more than an ideal; it is the necessary glue that binds our societies together. It is in this context that we invite you to consider what PISA results show about the crucial role schools play in building our communities, particularly for immigrant students. A full report on this issue will be published in the near future.
Helping immigrant students to succeed at school - and beyond
PISA in Focus No. 57 Can schools help to integrate immigrants? Mario Piacentini
PISA in Focus No. 57 Can schools help to integrate immigrants? Mario Piacentini
PISA � la loupe No. 57 L'�cole peut-elle aider � l'int�gration des immigr�s?
Photo credit: Riambelles � l'�cole @Fotolia
Photo credit: Riambelles � l'�cole @Fotolia
Now more than ever
Reviewed by Rebeca
November 17, 2015
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