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School Board member Warren Jones lets the city down

I will just let his words do the talking for him.

From the Times Union: 

Board member Rebecca Couch voted against it, saying that the company managing seven other BridgePrep schools in Florida, S.M.A.R.T. Management, appears to bring nothing new or innovative to education, which is the original mission of charter schools. Instead, she said, these schools are diverting money and students away from the school district while providing a similar education.
Others voted in favor of BridgePrep despite personal objections. Board member Warren Jones said he was �holding his nose� when voting yes because the charter school�s board of directors won�t live in Jacksonville and because two of the BridgePrep schools earned a D and F last year.
�It is very frustrating having to sit here and approve a charter school � when the [district] schools around them are not failing, they are performing well,� Jones said. One of the four district schools surrounding BridgePrep had a D; the others had B and C grades last year.
He says, he held his nose and voted for it.
Why? Becki Couch said no? Why couldn't Warren Jones?
Now he might say, they would just appeal and the state would allow them to open anyways and that is a real possibility, though there is a case right now in front of the Florida Supreme Court asking that Florida follow the state constitution which says school boards are in charge of opening schools. Isn't it better to fight though, rather than hold ones nose and go along? Isn't that why he was elected.
Despite his words, I however think it is all that sweet, sweet Chartrand and Charter money he took that guided his decision. 
A school board member should never say, I held my nose and went along when children and their futures are involved, apparently Jones never got that message. 
When he held his nose and voted for a new charter in a neighborhood that already has good schools, he let the city down, sadly I don' think this will be the last time he does so. 
 District 5 you had other good candidates.
School Board member Warren Jones lets the city down Reviewed by Rebeca on June 06, 2017 Rating: 5

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