Scott Shine sad to see Iranetta Wright go
Proving a broke clock is right more often than he is, Shine bemoaned the loss of Wright in the Times Union.
From the Times Union:
Last fall, when Vitti appointed Wright chief of schools, some School Board members noted complaints about her were coming from the rank and file. Since then Wright has garnered more support on the School Board.
From the Times Union:
Last fall, when Vitti appointed Wright chief of schools, some School Board members noted complaints about her were coming from the rank and file. Since then Wright has garnered more support on the School Board.
Board member Scott Shine said that although he is optimistic that the school district is being run by experienced, capable hands, he is concerned to lose someone like Wright.
�Ms. Wright was a strong leader and I am concerned with any cabinet level staff moving on to new opportunities,� he said �I believe any time you change a superintendent, you likely will experience an additional loss of talent. I have expressed my desire that we work hard to minimize loss of key leadership.�
While Shine is sad to see her go hundreds of teachers if not more are celebrating.
You know what really bugs me? If shine was out there doing his job, talking to teachers, he would know what type of administrator, not leader, she was. Instead he says, he is sad to see her go. Ignorance most truly be bliss.
You know what really bugs me? If shine was out there doing his job, talking to teachers, he would know what type of administrator, not leader, she was. Instead he says, he is sad to see her go. Ignorance most truly be bliss.
Wright's departure gives the district a real opportunity to appoint qualified leaders whose focus is to build teachers up rather than to tear them down.
Scott Shine sad to see Iranetta Wright go
Reviewed by Rebeca
June 14, 2017
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